INSM Tech Team has developed an interactive map showing the gathering places to #EndImpunity in Iraq Marathon around the world
What is the #EndImpunity campaign?
It is an Iraqi campaign led by journalists and activists inside and outside Iraq, and aims to draw the attention of the international
community to a fundamental problem, which is the major obstacle from the point of view of the organizers that prevents Iraq's stability,
security and prosperity, which is the problem of impunity
What is the campaign goal?
Maximize the pressure on decision-makers in the United States and the European Union, as partners of Iraq, in order to push them to change
their policies towards Iraq based on providing unconditional support to successive Iraqi governments without assessing their performance of
failing to run the country, committing massive human rights violations and taking Iraqis into a future Anonymous and the spread of impunity.
Marathon gathering sites around the world, according to the information published by the campaign organizers